
1. **健脾渗湿**:薏苡仁入脾、胃、肺经,能够健脾利湿,对于脾虚湿盛、水湿内停等症有很好的调理作用。


2. **利水消肿**:薏苡仁有很好的利水消肿效果,对于治疗水肿、脚气、小便不利等病症有显著效果。


3. **清热解毒**:薏苡仁具有清热解毒的功效,对于痈肿疮毒、肠痈、肺痈等炎症性疾病有辅助治疗作用。

4. **除痹止泻**:薏苡仁能够除痹,对于风湿痹痛、筋脉拘挛等病症有缓解作用;同时,薏苡仁还能止泻,适用于脾虚泄泻的症状。


5. **排脓**:薏苡仁有排脓的功效,对于肺痈、肠痈等脓疡性疾病有一定的治疗作用。

6. **养胃**:薏苡仁能养胃,对于胃部不适、食欲不振等症状有一定的缓解作用。

7. **养肺**:薏苡仁对于肺虚、咳嗽、痰多等肺部疾病有一定的调养作用。

8. **祛湿消暑**:薏苡仁能够祛湿,对于夏季湿气较重、暑湿感冒等症状有良好的防治效果。


– **适用人群**:薏苡仁适合脾虚湿盛的人群食用,对健康人来说也有很好的保健作用。
– **使用禁忌**:薏苡仁性凉,脾虚无湿、大便燥结者不宜食用;虚寒体质者不宜长期服用;低血糖、低血压患者不要大量或单味长期使用;孕妇也应慎服薏苡仁。
– **炮制方法**:薏苡仁有生用和炒用之分,生用主要用于清热利湿,炒用则用于健脾止泻。



1. **调节胰岛素**:紫皮大蒜中含有的硒元素有助于促进人体内胰岛素的合成,对于糖尿病患者来说,适量食用紫皮大蒜有助于减轻病情。

2. **抗癌防癌**:紫皮大蒜中的有效成分可以保护肝脏,诱导肝细胞脱毒酶的活性,阻断亚硝胺致癌物质的合成,从而预防癌症的发生。同时,大蒜中的锗和硒等元素具有抑制癌瘤的作用。


3. **降低血脂、防止血栓**:紫皮大蒜具有明显的降血脂作用,能有效预防冠心病和动脉硬化,并防止血栓的形成。

4. **延缓衰老、预防铅中毒**:紫皮大蒜的抗氧化性优于人参,能够延缓衰老。对于经常接触铅或有铅中毒倾向的人,食用紫皮大蒜能有效预防铅中毒。

5. **防止癌肿**:大蒜素及其同系物能抑制癌细胞活性,使之不能正常生长代谢,最终导致癌细胞死亡。同时,大蒜素还能激活巨噬细胞的吞噬能力,增强人体免疫功能,预防癌症的发生。

6. **预防肠道感染性疾病**:紫皮大蒜中含有的丰富大蒜素,对肠炎所导致的腹泻有预防和治疗的作用。

7. **中医食疗功效**:紫皮大蒜性味辛、温,对于脘腹冷痛、四肢手脚冰凉的人,有很好的温中行滞、补阳的功效。


8. **提供微量元素**:紫皮大蒜含有锌、硒、锰等微量元素,这些元素是体内众多酶和辅酶的原料,有助于体内代谢的顺畅。

9. **抗菌消炎**:大蒜中的含硫化合物和蒜素具有抗菌消炎的作用,可以抑制和杀灭多种病原微生物。

10. **补脑健脑**:大蒜素能够提高维生素B1的转化效率,为大脑提供能量。



1. **补充能量**:糯米富含碳水化合物,是快速补充能量的好选择,适合在需要大量体力活动时食用。

2. **健脾止泻**:糯米性温,能够健脾止泻,对于脾胃虚弱、食欲不振、消化不良的人有很好的食疗作用。

3. **补中益气**:糯米有助于补中益气,适合体质虚弱的人群食用,有助于增强体质。

4. **增强抵抗力**:糯米含有钙、铁、磷等微量元素,这些营养素有助于增强人体的抵抗力,促进胎儿发育。

5. **维护肠道健康**:糯米含有膳食纤维,有助于肠道健康,预防便秘。


6. **滋阴补血**:对于女性来说,糯米具有一定的滋阴补血作用,有助于改善气血不足、美容养颜。

7. **适合孕妇食用**:糯米适合孕妇适量食用,因为它可以提供必需的营养素,同时有助于预防孕期出虚汗等现象。

8. **制作多样**:糯米可以用于制作多种食品,如粽子、糯米糍饭、糯米圆子等,丰富了人们的饮食选择。

9. **促进血液循环**:糯米中的营养成分有助于促进血液循环,对身体健康有益。

10. **养生延年**:糯米煮粥在我国有悠久的历史,被认为可以养生延年,尤其是粳米煮成的粥油,对于滋养人体的阴液和肾精大有裨益。



### 药效

1. **清热解毒**:白英具有显著的清热解毒作用,适用于治疗感冒发热、小儿肝热、结核发热等症状。它能清除体内的热毒,帮助身体恢复健康。

2. **利湿消肿**:白英能促进体内湿气的排出,对湿热黄疸、腹水、水肿等病症有缓解作用。此外,对于风湿骨痛也有一定的治疗效果。

3. **抗癌作用**:白英在抗癌方面有突出表现,对肺癌、子宫颈癌等癌症有一定的疗效。同时,对于预防癌症也有积极作用。

4. **止咳平喘**:白英对于咳嗽、喘息、痰多、肺胀等呼吸系统疾病有治疗作用,具有清热化痰的功效。

5. **解毒**:白英含有蜜糖醇和乳酸,可以解毒地塞米松等药物。

6. **养肝护肝**:白英能够增强肝脏的解毒功能,减轻肝脏负担,对肝脏疾病的预防和治疗有益。

7. **抗菌消炎**:白英具有一定的抗菌消炎作用,对口腔溃疡等疾病有一定疗效。

### 应用

1. **感冒发热**:用于治疗感冒发热,特别是小儿高热症状。

2. **乳痈**:用于治疗乳腺炎。

3. **湿热黄疸**:用于治疗湿热引起的黄疸。

4. **风湿骨痛**:用于治疗风湿骨痛。

5. **癌症**:用于肺癌、子宫颈癌等癌症的治疗。

6. **白带异常**:用于改善女性白带异常。


7. **肾炎水肿**:用于治疗肾炎引起的水肿。

8. **疔疮肿毒**:外用治疗痈疮肿毒。

### 注意事项

– 白英虽具多种药效,但并非所有人都适合使用,特别是孕妇、哺乳期妇女和儿童应谨慎使用。
– 使用白英时,最好在中医师的指导下进行,避免盲目使用。
– 白英有一定的毒性,使用过程中需注意剂量,以免造成不良后果。



1. **补充维生素C**:柠檬中含有丰富的维生素C,有助于增强人体免疫力,预防感冒。

2. **抗氧化作用**:维生素C和柠檬中的其他抗氧化物质可以帮助清除体内的自由基,减缓衰老过程。

3. **促进消化**:柠檬酸可以帮助刺激胃液分泌,有助于消化。

4. **减肥辅助**:柠檬冰糖水可以作为一种健康的饮品选择,帮助减少摄入高热量饮料,对减肥有一定的辅助作用。


5. **美容养颜**:柠檬中的维生素C有助于美白肌肤,促进皮肤健康。

6. **缓解疲劳**:柠檬中的天然糖分可以迅速补充能量,缓解疲劳。


7. **调节血压**:柠檬中的钾元素有助于调节血压。

8. **保护心血管**:柠檬中的某些成分可能有助于降低胆固醇,保护心血管健康。

9. **抗菌消炎**:柠檬中的某些成分具有抗菌消炎作用。

10. **提神醒脑**:柠檬的清新味道可以帮助提神醒脑,提高工作效率。



1. **润肺养阴**:银耳富含天然植物胶质,具有润肺养阴、生津止渴的功效,对于秋燥引起的咳嗽、口干舌燥等症状有很好的缓解作用。

2. **滋阴养胃**:银耳性平,归肺、胃经,有滋阴养胃的作用,适合胃阴不足、食欲不振的人群食用。


3. **增强免疫力**:南瓜富含β-胡萝卜素、维生素C、E等多种抗氧化物质,可以增强人体的免疫力,帮助抵抗病毒和细菌的侵害。

4. **补中益气**:南瓜性温味甘,归脾、胃经,具有补中益气的作用,对于脾胃虚弱、气短乏力的人尤其有益。

5. **润肠通便**:南瓜中的膳食纤维可以促进肠道蠕动,有助于润肠通便,对于便秘患者有一定的改善作用。

6. **美容养颜**:银耳含有多种氨基酸和微量元素,有助于养颜美容,使肌肤更加光滑细腻。


7. **调节血糖**:南瓜中的低聚糖可以延缓肠道对葡萄糖的吸收,有助于调节血糖水平,适合糖尿病患者适量食用。

8. **保护心血管**:南瓜中的维生素E和维生素C有助于保护心血管系统,降低心血管疾病的风险。

9. **抗衰老**:银耳中的天然植物胶质有助于抗衰老,保持皮肤弹性。



It doesn’t matter at first sight. It almost surprised my eyes.

[Wang Ergou] (mutant spirit beast) Level 2 Silver Elite Vitality 6 Spirit 1 Evolution 5/ Reiki 3/25 Skills Enhanced Absorption, Advanced Evolution, Spirit of God Dog, Wolf King Shock, Wild Awakening
After two dog became a level 2 silver elite,
His life has reached 6 o’clock!
Although there must be a gap between the wild silver elite and Hangyu, it directly surpassed the level 4, and it was far beyond, and the total amount of his spirit reached an astonishing 1 point!
Humans will become stronger and stronger in the later period.
Because people have an innate skill
But it can be obtained through skill stone limit.
Two dog spirit beast can’t make the skill stone have a bunch of innate skills.
At this stage, it is not difficult for two dog to defeat a level 3 human.
This is not the second time that two dog’s promotion to two dog has awakened an innate skill called "Wild Awakening", which is very helpful to the battle.
[Wild Awakening] Innate skill consumes 5 points of spirit to increase the maximum vitality by 5 points. Strength, agility and physique are increased by 3% each. Movement speed +4 resistance to fear, lethargy and deceleration effects is increased by 2%. It lasts for 4 minutes and cools for 20 minutes.
"Let Wang have a try!"
Two dog jumped into the courtyard and screamed.
This time, it’s no longer a husky howl, but it’s really a wolf king’s imposing manner
Husky’s body swells in a circle, black and white dog hair grows and grows rapidly, becomes dark and thick, blue eyes become red, and their white fangs are exposed, which makes them look particularly ferocious and fierce.
Are you kidding me
This product is really two dog.
Even Hang Yu felt a lot of pressure.
The skill of Wild Awakening is a transfiguration innate skill, and its effect will increase with the level!
After two dog launched the wild awakening,
He dare not say that he has reached the level of silver in the wild.
But at least it has reached the level of wild bronze elites at the same level.
Even after Hang Yu dealt with the transformation, two dog had to cheer up, because after the transformation, two dog not only greatly increased his vitality, but also his attributes rose.
Two dog looked back.
A pair of red eyes staring at Hang Yu.
Seriously, if he doesn’t talk, it’s a bit bluffing now, but once he talks, all the momentum will swing away
"Boss, boss, look at me and see if my Wang is particularly cool now!"
"Wang said that he was the boss of the wolf and still didn’t believe it."
"This time the boss should always believe it!"
Hang Yu "…"
Did the spirit world misunderstand Husky?
Was Husky really a draft when the Emperor created the wolf?
Two dog, the big black wolf, jumped around the yard. He was stunned for less than five minutes and immediately leaked like a gas leak. His hair was thick and long, shortened and turned into normal black and white.
This skill is really good
However, the shortcomings are also obvious

"No wonder he dared to make this bet with Elder Bailie!"

"Elder Bailie hit him with a careless mental attack. If Elder Bailie directly attacked him, he would be able to kill him with a heavy blow!"
"This ancient youth point is a careful calculation that the Bailie Presbyterian Church underestimates the enemy step by step and leads Bailie Presbyterian into a trap to kill the avatar!"
In a few moments, there was a thunderous roar in the two worlds!
Then a terrible momentum powerful enough to crush ordinary Dan Dao masters into pulp suddenly rose to the sky and directly stabbed a huge hole with a diameter of 10,000 meters in the atmosphere, which poured down with a thunderous drama and shocked the whole Xuanyang Tianzong!
If it is suppressed by this momentum, even those four realms masters who are in Dan Dao may be suppressed to death!
However, the main target targeted by this momentum-Guqing’s face is invisible. He just looked up at the virtual roar and terror without blinking an eye!
Just as this terrorist force is about to be really suppressed until he completely annihilates him and the whole mountain peak, a faint heavy drink suddenly rings in the atmosphere, "Hundred Lies is enough!"
Although the four words are not as powerful as the roaring of Elders Bailie, there is no such thing as the color change between heaven and earth. However, at the moment when these four words are spit out, everything in heaven and earth seems to have solidified. That horrible momentum seems to be static when it is less than 100 meters away from Qingxuanfeng, but it can never fall! Then it quietly dispersed at a speed even more terrible than when it came.
Such an amazing and terrible avatar looks straight at all registered brothers, outside brothers, cousins and real brothers, including those elders, and their eyes are full of enthusiasm that can be contained in the sky.
"Shinto! This is the realm of Shinto! "
"That’s the palm of your hand, and the palm of your hand intervened."
"GuQing! ? That promotion is only three months, my brother! ? It’ s really angry that the law enforcement elder Bailie is so angry that he has to personally come forward to calm down! "
"It’s so bold of this ancient talent to emphasize the road, even dare to provoke the elders who are in charge of our whole Xuanyang Tianzong Bailie!"
"GuQing dare to provoke the younger brother to kill the elders of Taibai in the court of justice when he is outside the door. It’s no ordinary daring! However, I was shocked to teach you to come forward and protect him from Elder Bailie’s treatment of his killer. This ancient Qing is not an ordinary person! "
In the discussion with all kinds of expressions such as shock, fanaticism, worship and disdain, the world belongs to Zhang Jiao Zun Yun Yan’s voice rang again. "True brother Gu Qing and Ye Xueqin broke the rules in the clan, but fortunately no casualties were caused! The cause stems from Ye Xueqin’s confinement in Piaoxue Peak for ten years from now on. Gu Qing should be punished for stopping Dan medicine and Lingshi for one year! This matter is over and cannot be discussed again! "
The third volume Stars gather together for the sixth time to clean up the mess
It’s the supreme will to teach in Xuanyang Tianzong’s palm. Like this kind of thing, the elders usually don’t ask him if he finishes his decision, which means that the Bailie elders will refute it one day, otherwise it’s a provocation to teach the prestige!
Provocative palm teaches prestige that kind of consequence is not as good as his own suicide!
The vast momentum in the sky gradually dispersed, and the atmosphere was blown out of the Wan Li hole, and with the air flow perfusion between heaven and earth, it slowly made up for Zongmen and gradually restored calm!
However, after Bai Lie’s elder, Thunder and fury, personally intervened in Gu Qing’s name as a true brother of Dan Dao, it was officially in Xuanyang Tianzong. Everyone knew that there was an avatar in Zongmen who dared to challenge and nullify the law enforcement elders!
Elder Burn Yan looked at the sky and said, "Now that the order of palm teaching has been reached, execute it immediately, Ye Xueqin. Now you can go with me to your drifting snow peak. Since you are allowed to stay at the peak for ten years, you should practice hard for ten years to consolidate your present Dandao four realms!"
"It’s the burning elder!" Ye Xueqin should look back and look at Gu Qing coldly!
Guqing look indifferent, far away, she looked at a strong feeling in the eyes of the two at the moment of collision to stimulate again!
Seeing this scene, the burning elder frowned. "You are both my true brothers who dazzle Yang Tianzong. In the future, we dazzle Yang Tianzong’s future development and are so hostile to each other? They are all people who cultivate immortality, and what grievances can’t be resolved! "
After saying this, the elder took one look at the burning inflammation and shook his head slightly, so he took Ye Xueqin to fly in the direction of Piaoxue Peak!
As soon as the burning elder left Jinghua and Xuanguang, the two elders naturally won’t stay any longer, and they rose in succession and went to the punishment court in the direction.
It was after seeing with one’s own eyes all kinds of magical powers of Guqing that the elders of Jinghua had put away their contempt for Guqing. For the first time, they formally looked at the true brother of Cai Dan Dao and a heavy realm and secretly planned it.
"It seems that Xuanyang Tianzong really doesn’t pay much attention to this Ye Xueqin!" GuQing watching burn inflammation and others leave also lost in thought!
Just now, he tried his best to defeat the incarnation of Elder Bailie, the master of Dan Dao’s Nine Heavenly Masters, and showed all kinds of incredible power. It is absolutely an impossible miracle in Dan Dao’s One Heavenly Brother!
But in this case, Yunyan also chose to play 50 boards for punishment!
And in some ways, it can also show that Yunyan is partial to Ye Xueqin!
Yunyan cultivated past lives’s past and future magical powers, and as soon as it is slightly operated, everything that just happened in Qingxuanfeng will be revealed. If he said that he didn’t know it was Ye Xueqin who killed himself first, I’m afraid the ghost wouldn’t believe it!
"It is necessary to strengthen self-protection, and the sword has been broken for three months. It is definitely not an easy thing to re-refine the’ split’ sword to the point where the weapon is a golden sword and form a large array of ten sides! In that case, we can start with the method of’ instant killing of stars’! If I can practice the five-fold condensation of Dan Dao to protect the major acupoints and organs outside my body, I will never perform a’ instant killing of stars’ like today, and my body will almost collapse! "
"YunYan Ye Xueqin confinement for ten years, this decade may not have not tested my scheming in it. Maybe he wants to observe me through this decade and see how far I can grow! If my performance is satisfactory to him, it will be worthless. Then hold on to Ye Xueqin and Elder Bailie and let them kill me! Although the identity of Hundandao as a true brother is precious, it is still like an ant in the eyes of these Shinto giants. If you crush it, you will never have any pity! "
Think of this GuQing heart already had a decision!
"Practice as soon as possible until the five elements of Dan Dao condense into vigorous gas … but if you want to condense vigorous gas, even it will take a long time. In this period, Bai Lie, a master of Dan Dao and Nine Elements, sent someone to find me some trouble, but you can still do it. Although you may slay Ye Xueqin, there is still nothing you can do about Bai Lie … for the time being!"
I feel a great pressure at the thought of Bai Lie, the master of Dan Dao and Jiu Chong, who is terrible in repairing Gu Qing!
He has never been in the habit of relying on others!
Look at the foot was almost split in two, Qingxuanfeng was completely destroyed, Qingxuandian Guqing frowned!
Just as he was considering whether to rebuild the Qingxuanfeng Mountain, three streamers suddenly came from the direction of the outer world. In a short time, these three streamers had already flown in front of him, and three figures stopped in the distance of only a few tens of meters!
The first of these three people, Gu Qing, knew that the elder Jiuyang was received from the outside world! The other two people look strange, but it is not difficult to sense that they are all four masters of Dan Dao!
"Elder Jiuyang!"
"I already know about you, and don’t be too concerned about punishing you!"
Gu Qing nodded and said, "Elder Jiuyang, don’t worry, I know what it means to teach you!"

There is a person in Kunlun market who has such prestige!

The emperor Kunlun patted his palm and nodded slightly. "Enough malicious enough to be strong enough! I like it! "
After a pause, the Kunlun master suddenly asked, "Are you a barren warrior?"
"Not bad"
"How did you come in from the wild mainland?"
The Kunlun Lord asked again, "There is a Kunlun boundary here. Normally, you can’t get in at all!"
"Originally, we were really blocked out, but later, for some reason, a node suddenly flashed in this enchantment, so we seized this opportunity to follow this node into Kunlun Market."
Sue ink ready natural won’t exquisite shakotan coast.
The master of Kunlun is still expressionless and asks, "Where is this node?"
Su Mo casually pointed to a direction, "Even if we look for the past now, the node has already disappeared."
"You lie!"
Kunlun main eyes suddenly big sheng generate turned evil light!
The words sound just fell and the Kunlun Lord has disappeared in that dragon chair!
It’s too fast!
Extreme fire and reading Qi haven’t been able to react, and an evil and horrible smell has come in front of them!
"Look out!"
Su Mo drank a little and took it with one hand, pushing the extreme fire and reading Qi aside, and the generate body of Qi and blood instantly burst into the tide!
Bang! Bang! Bang!
Extreme fire and reading Qi have just decided that Su Mo, the master of Kunlun, has met!
Two figures are staggered at the altar. Come on, come on, it’s a few breaths. Both sides have at least one hundred punches!
The main veins of Kunlun are also fuelling to the point where blood is like the tide!
"This Kunlun master is very strong!"
Extremely angry and secretly frightened.
Although Su Mo didn’t break out, there are few strong men who can fight hard against Su Mo in melee!
He and Nianqi are by no means the main rivals of Kunlun!
Two people to spell a touch namely points again!
"Ha ha ha ha!"
Master Kunlun suddenly laughed face upwards, and his big mouth almost reached the back of his head, revealing ferocious staggered fangs, which made people feel horrible!
Kunlun main laugh a face can’t see a little angry.
Sue ink look cool is quietly looking at kunlun master.
"Wild Wu, what did you come to my Kunlun market for?"
Kunlun asked.
Su Mo said, "I heard that there are many natural resources and treasures here, and we want to use these treasures to upgrade when we practice in Kunlun Market for a while."
Kunlun main road "all the treasures in Kunlun market are under my control! I can give it to you if you need it! "
Su Mo looked the same and asked, "What conditions?"
Kunlun master said slowly, "Hook Xuan is dead, and you are the new leader of that army! I want you to go out with me to kill the traitor in Kunlun Market! "
There was a stir at the altar.
Who didn’t expect hook xuan physical death kunlun master instead of revenge for hook xuan will kill hook xuan outsiders directly into an army!
"I don’t look at my origins or my ability!"
The main road of Kunlun "leads the powerful to live!" Even if you are an outsider, I am equally heavy! "
"What if the master can hook Xuan and lead the great hatred?"
A Kunlun clan can’t resist it.
"Are you not my decision?"
The main micro-sidelights of Kunlun Mountain
"I …"
The Kunlun clan is full of energy and fear, and dare not continue to talk.
"Then you die."
The Kunlun Master suddenly opened his mouth, and a huge pulling force broke out. This Kunlun clan can’t resist being swallowed by the Kunlun Master!
Chapter one thousand five hundred and six Rebellious leader

Su Mo looked at this shabby blue lotus in the palm of his hand, and his heart was hot.

This is more precious than getting a congenital multiplier!
Just then, the guide monk suddenly sighed, "In fact, is this natural violet a blessing or a curse or an unknown to you?"
Su Mo was stuck.
How can such a treasure be a disaster?
Leading the way, the monk said, "Nature’s violet wants to grow and needs the nourishment of Yuan God, and it needs the great power of Yuan God. No one can afford it!"
"Throughout the ages, the violet has been handled by at least ten tianjiao, but most of them have been dragged down by it, and gradually few people have touched it."
Violet needs the nourishment of Yuan God, which will inevitably make the monk’s cultivation realm stagnate.
"It is for this reason that there is the highest level of violet in the wild mainland."
Leading the way, the monk said, "From ancient times to modern times, only the ancient Buddha emperor gave birth to the natural violet with wisdom, perseverance and courage. This is the device for remembering the emperor in ancient books."
"Buddha Huang Li dare not try to give birth to the ninth!"
Su Mo looked calm.
He is not worried about this.
Now, he has two books, Purple Tactics and Tathagata Sutra, which refine the spirit of day order. Whether it is the speed of cultivation or the purity of Yuan God, it will be the highest in ancient and modern times!
Su Mo doesn’t believe that the blessing of the two great day order achievements still can’t breed the violet of nature.
"This creature violet is so strange because it is not a natural thing."
Yu Junzhen said slowly, "Say it comes from the celestial world!"
Su Moyuan is still thinking about it, such as giving birth to the fairy ear and hearing the word’ celestial’. He suddenly looked up and asked, "What celestial world? Where is the fairyland? How to get there? "
This is the first time Su Mo heard the word "celestial".
He first thought of Butterfly Moon.
Butterfly Moon said before she left that they were not from the same world.
With Su Mo’s practice all the way, Butterfly Moon should go to another higher level and more magnificent world.
And this world is very likely to mean the illusory world!
Yu Junzhen shook his head with a wry smile. "Where is the celestial world? How can I get to my level where can I get in touch with the monks?"
Su Mo gradually calmed down and knew that this problem was a little abrupt.
"Fairy world is the name of fairy gate"
Yu Junzhen seems to see that Su Mo’s mind has said some more words: "The magic door is called the underworld, and the Buddhist door is called the paradise."
Su Mo moved in his heart.
So the people in the demon race are not called the demon world?
"Always outside the wild mainland, there must be such a piece of heaven and earth, and the world is strong and full of fairies! There are different opinions about what it is called, and some people collectively refer to it as’ boundary’. "
"Some of the ancient emperors have also entered the world."
I heard that Su Mo’s heart was pounding uncontrollably.
Su Mo swallowed as much as possible to calm his mind and slowly asked, "Dare to ask my predecessors if they have heard of the word’ wild’ in this world?"
Yu Junzhen looked confused and shook his head after careful consideration.
Su Mo felt relieved.
Yu Junzhen’s cultivation is just a Yuan Ying’s realm. Even if you know some fairy tales, you may not be able to get in touch with them through hearsay.
Sumo believes that as he ascends, he will know more secrets.
His butterfly moon will get closer and closer!
"This statue of violet has a hard-to-guess ability. You must be careful if you want to sacrifice the Yuan God."
Yu Junzhen told him, "If you find something wrong, you should abandon it immediately, or it will be too late to be dragged down by it."
"Thank you for waking up."
Su Mo said, "Thank you for thinking about the celestial world."
Chapter seven hundred and ninety A new journey
"There are some soul-nourishing blood ginseng in the bag of ink. Please keep it away."
Yu Junzhen handed me another bag, Su Mo, without delay.
The monks in the vision list all have soul-nourishing blood ginseng, so the higher the reward ranking, the more weight they get.
Just put ten thousand soul-nourishing blood ginseng in the real bag!
Not surprisingly, so many soul-nourishing, blood-nourishing and foot-supporting support have really cultivated to return to the virtual realm.