
### 一氧化氮的作用:

1. **血管舒张**:一氧化氮是强大的血管扩张剂,能够使血管壁松弛,从而降低血压,改善血液循环。
2. **细胞间通讯**:作为细胞间通讯的介质,一氧化氮在调节生理过程中起到关键作用,如炎症反应、神经传递等。
3. **免疫调节**:免疫系统中的白细胞可以产生一氧化氮,抑制细菌、病毒等有害物质的生长和繁殖,增强身体对病原体的防御能力。
4. **能量代谢**:一氧化氮参与细胞内的能量代谢和信号传递过程。

### 一氧化氮的益处:


1. **心血管健康**:通过血管舒张,一氧化氮有助于降低血压,保护心血管健康,减少心血管疾病的风险。
2. **降低血压**:一氧化氮可以促进血液更容易通过血管流动,降低心脏泵血的负担,有助于降低血压。


3. **抵御病原体**:一氧化氮在免疫系统中发挥重要作用,帮助身体抵御疾病和感染。


4. **改善睡眠质量**:长期接触一氧化氮可以改善睡眠质量,增强睡眠时脑部区域的活性。
5. **增强记忆力**:一氧化氮的合成能够帮助增强大脑的记忆力和学习能力。
6. **性功能改善**:一氧化氮水平正常时,有助于促进男性的勃起功能,保护青春期男性和成年男性的性生活健康。
7. **细胞修复和再生**:一氧化氮可以加速人体内的细胞修复和再生,增强治愈能力和身体免疫力。
8. **控制炎症反应**:一氧化氮有助于控制炎症反应,减少炎症相关疾病的风险。
9. **防止血液凝固**:一氧化氮可以防止血液凝固,消除血栓,预防心脑血管疾病。
10. **消除血管炎症**:一氧化氮有助于消除血管炎症,预防动脉硬化。
11. **清除自由基**:一氧化氮具有抗氧化作用,可以清除自由基,保护细胞免受氧化损伤。



1. **清洁油污**:茄子蒂含有天然去油成分,可以用它来擦拭锅碗瓢盆上的油渍,比洗洁精更天然环保。


2. **去腥除味**:在煮鱼或肉时,将茄子蒂放入锅中,可以去除腥味,使菜肴更加鲜美。

3. **去霉防潮**:将茄子蒂放在衣柜或抽屉中,可以吸收湿气,起到防霉防潮的作用。

4. **缓解皮肤瘙痒**:茄子蒂捣碎后敷在皮肤上,可以缓解因湿疹、荨麻疹等引起的皮肤瘙痒。

5. **药用**:中医认为,茄子蒂有清热解毒、利尿消肿的功效,可以用来治疗一些热病和水肿等症。

6. **烹饪用途**:茄子蒂也可以直接入菜,如做成茄子蒂炒蛋、茄子蒂炖汤等。



1. **理气宽中**:白寇具有理气的作用,能够宽中行气,对于气滞引起的胸闷、腹胀等症状有很好的缓解作用。

2. **化湿**:白寇能够化湿,对于湿邪内阻所致的消化不良、食欲不振、呕吐等症状有显著疗效。

3. **开胃消食**:白寇能促进食欲,帮助消化,对于食少、食积等症状有改善作用。


4. **温中散寒**:白寇性温,能够温中散寒,对于寒湿气滞引起的胃寒、胃痛等有缓解作用。


5. **解酒**:白寇有解酒功效,对于酒后不适、醉酒等有辅助治疗作用。

6. **治疗消化系统疾病**:白寇对于寒湿气滞导致的反胃恶心、呃逆、食欲不振、胸闷不畅、食少、消化不良等症状有良好的治疗效果。

7. **治疗其他症状**:如口臭,虽然白寇仁对治疗口臭的效果不是特别显著,但其在理气宽中方面仍有一定帮助。


– **用量**:一般使用量为3-9克,具体用量需根据个人体质和病情调整。
– **禁忌**:阴虚火旺者、孕妇应在医生指导下使用。
– **搭配**:白寇常与其他中药配伍使用,以增强疗效,如与生姜、陈皮等配伍。
– **注意事项**:如果病情严重或持续不缓解,应及时就医。




1. **延缓衰老**:猕猴桃酒中含有丰富的抗氧化剂,如酚化物、鞣酸、黄酮类物质、维生素C、维生素E以及微量元素硒、锌、锰等。这些成分能够消除或对抗氧自由基,减少自由基对细胞的损害,从而延缓衰老过程。


2. **预防心脑血管病**:猕猴桃酒能够提高血液中的高密度脂蛋白(HDL)水平,HDL有助于将胆固醇从肝外组织转运到肝脏进行代谢,降低血胆固醇,预防动脉粥样硬化。同时,酒中的多酚物质还能抑制血小板凝集,防止血栓形成。


3. **预防癌症**:猕猴桃皮中含有高量的白藜芦醇,这是一种具有强效抗癌作用的物质。白藜芦醇能够防止正常细胞癌变,并能抑制癌细胞的扩散。


4. **美容养颜**:猕猴桃酒中的维生素C和抗氧化物质有助于改善皮肤状况,减少皱纹和细纹,使皮肤更加细腻、润泽,富有弹性。

5. **调节情绪**:适量饮用猕猴桃酒有助于稳定情绪,对于缓解压力、预防忧郁症有一定的积极作用。

6. **促进消化**:猕猴桃酒中的某些成分能够促进消化,帮助食物更好地被消化吸收。

7. **补血养气**:猕猴桃酒能促进血红蛋白的再生,对于补血养气有一定的帮助。

8. **润肠通便**:猕猴桃酒对于习惯性便秘患者有一定的润肠通便效果。

– 过量饮用可能导致醉酒,影响健康。
– 某些对酒精敏感或患有特定疾病的人应避免饮用。
– 孕妇和哺乳期妇女应避免饮用,以免影响胎儿或婴儿的健康。



1. **健脾开胃**:萝卜根具有很好的健脾开胃作用,对于消化不良、肠胃功能不佳的人群,萝卜根可以帮助改善症状,增强食欲。

2. **清热降火**:萝卜根可以清热降火,有助于降低肝火,有利于人体排出毒素,对于一些由内热引起的症状有缓解作用。


3. **止血作用**:萝卜根对于一些出血症状,如逆血、血淋等,有缓解和治疗的作用。

4. **治疗便秘和腹泻**:萝卜根既能治疗便秘,又能治疗腹泻。对于因肠胃虚寒导致的腹泻,食用萝卜根有一定的缓解效果。


5. **缓解咽喉肿痛**:萝卜根对于咽喉肿痛有很好的疗效,尤其是当上火或疲劳导致的咽喉肿痛时,萝卜根可以缓解症状。

6. **促进消化与吸收**:萝卜根含有木质素、芥子油等成分,能够促进胃酸分泌,帮助消化,提高食物的吸收率。

7. **预防癌症**:萝卜根中的木质素和芥子油成分被认为有助于预防癌症。


8. **美白润肤**:萝卜根可以帮助减少体内的黑色和黄色素,使皮肤白净润滑。

9. **防止骨头粗大、痛风与泌尿结石**:萝卜根对防止骨头粗大、痛风和泌尿结石有一定的积极作用。

10. **食疗作用**:萝卜根可以与其他食材搭配,如白萝卜梨,可以润肺、清热、化痰;萝卜煲羊腩汤则有补中益气、健脾消积食的功效。



1. **促进肝脏健康**:莲叶被认为具有肝脏净化作用,能够帮助治疗由风热引起的肝损伤,并缓解眼睛发红、肿胀、疼痛等不适症状,同时改善视力模糊问题。

2. **平衡肝火**:莲叶有助于消除肝火,平衡肝阳,对于因肝火或肝阳引起的头痛和头晕,莲叶茶显示出良好的疗效。与菊花一起冲泡可以增强其效果。

3. **缓解便秘与内热**:莲叶茶中的成分富含番泻叶甙,具有降火润燥的作用,广泛用于治疗内热、便秘和肠道干燥等问题,有助于促进肠道健康。

4. **降低血脂与保护心脏**:莲叶茶可以抑制血清胆固醇的增加,并防止动脉粥样硬化斑块的形成,因此被广泛应用于缓解高脂血症和脂肪肝,保护心脏健康。


5. **减肥**:莲叶茶中的某些成分有助于促进新陈代谢,从而可能有助于减肥。它可以通过抑制脂肪堆积和增加脂肪燃烧来辅助减肥。

6. **抗炎作用**:莲叶茶具有一定的抗炎作用,可能有助于减少身体炎症。

7. **改善皮肤健康**:莲叶茶中的抗氧化成分可能有助于改善皮肤健康,减少皮肤老化的迹象。

8. **调节血糖**:有研究表明莲叶茶可能有助于调节血糖水平,对于糖尿病患者可能有益。


"Grandfather, grandfather and grandson not only know but also have a deep hatred. This person has taken away the chance that belongs to the child. What’s more, my family has been hostile for many times, which is simply that my grandchild almost died in this small hand several times."

The wangs bodhi old zu smell speech not only didn’t angry face but showed a smile "I didn’t expect this person to be you several times and I descended from my family. I didn’t expect this person to come here. Where did you come to refine the treasure? This magic weapon must have been hidden here by a senior fairy, but I didn’t expect this little girl to trigger the magic weapon ban in advance, so that the magic weapon could fluctuate and leak out. Hahahaha, the genius treasure is destined to live in my wangs. I didn’t expect that the excuse would have been ready if it weren’t for this small number of times.
Wang Zhuan can hear Jade Duxiu’s voice, body and body. The cheap master is quite concerned about Jade Duxiu. Naturally, there is no reason not to hear it.
Germany’s face changed to "palm teaching"
"I know" Zhang Jiao’s face was suddenly gloomy and waved and interrupted the German words. A pair of eyes looked at the quiet hole intensely.
"Little beast, you have repeatedly caused me to suffer from Wang Jiawei’s severe losses. I thought about sending you to hell for a few days, but I never thought that it would be better to catch you here earlier than to catch you here. Since I met your bodhi old zu here today, I will simply solve it for you and save some effort in the future." The bodhi old zu Wang stepped forward and was bound by mana and poured into the mouth of the cave.
Yu Duxiu in the cave felt the obscure roads outside the rock not far from the magma, and his eyes narrowed slightly.
"Who am I? It turns out that the Wangs are old and deathless. Why did they grow old when they were young?" Jade Duxiu looked at the flame flag, although it has been born and fluctuated, but it still needs a little distance from birth.
Sensing that the old man of the Wangs was coming towards the cave entrance, Jade Duxiu took a deep breath behind him and walked towards the outside world.
"Wait" saw the Wangs’ elders about to step into the cave, but didn’t want to stop the sound from suddenly ringing.
The Wangs’ footsteps turned to look at the sound source, only to see Bi Xiufeng’s footsteps lightly lifted to the Wangs’ side.
"Master Bi Xiufeng didn’t expect that after all these years, you still cling to this position and refuse to abdicate." The old man’s pupil shrinks slightly and sounds weird.
"You are the younger brother of the Wangs generation, and I have some impressions on you. According to the rules of the sects, you should call me a Martial Uncle." De Manyou said that Kung Fu had reached the door of the cave.
De is the younger brother of five generations. According to him, the old man of the Wang family is at least the younger brother of six generations.
"Martial nephew sent a letter to see Martial Uncle". The Wangs’ elders just hesitated and looked around at all the patriarchs’ elders and brothers, devoting themselves to a ceremony.
"After all these years, I didn’t expect you to be alive. I remember when you and your father took my beautiful peak. If it wasn’t for the seat, there were quite a few means to be afraid that it would have become a skeleton at this time." De sighed and looked at the letter with a dull eye. A pair of eyes couldn’t see any special expression
Write a letter to straighten up the corners of the mouth and evoke a Gherardini expression, showing injustice. "Martial uncle wronged my nephew, but how dare martial uncle Gaishidi disrespect him?"
Chapter 129 The heart
"Ha, ha, ha, it’s a pity that the Wangs will die even if they waste all their efforts, and they won’t let you get the personal portrait stamp of your father." There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth.
I sent a letter to smell speech with a sullen face. "Martial uncle will be so stubborn. Over the years, Bi Xiufeng has died a lot of true brothers. If I go there, I will not find a suitable brother to inherit Bi Xiufeng even if the Five Decades of Heaven and Man come in the future. When the time comes, the Bi Xiufeng orthodoxy will be broken."
"You look good," De smiled coldly and finally calmed his face with a cold smile.
"The nephew just wiped his eyes and didn’t know that Martial Uncle was going to stop me from entering this cave." I wrote to him that it’s not good for him to pester so many brothers and sisters around this matter, and there are many people here who have many ears to go out.
"Don’t you know that this cave is the first one of my new generation brothers?" De stared at the letter with a pair of eyes.
"What?" Letter to the pupil shrinks, turns around and looks to one side. Wang Zhuan Wang Zhuan nodded to confirm that the letter was furious "f * * king didn’t report such a big event".
"The bodhi old zu is the wrong brother, although he knows that Jade Duxiu worships Bixiufeng, but he doesn’t know that this person has been the chief brother of Bixiufeng." Wang wrote a grievance.
"Going back is your fault" sent a letter and turned to look at Germany. "Martial uncle is really unfortunate. This jade show has repeatedly ruined my Wangs’ affairs. I don’t forgive my brothers for offending the rules and regulations with my dead hands. I want to get it straight and ask Martial Uncle to be fair and just and not to be partial to it."
"Jade Duxiu is my chief brother, Bi Xiufeng. Will he be convicted or not? When will outsiders tell me what to do with Bi Xiufeng?" De smiled coldly with a sneer at his mouth.
"Master, what kind of ghosts and gods dare to come out these days? It’s really hard to be a brother. It’s hard to be a mud pinch." The cave came to a silence, and a gray cassock appeared in the cave mouth for a moment. They looked around and finally set their eyes on the letter. "You are a person and dare to convict me."
After that, I didn’t wait for the letter to answer, but I said to the moral road, "My brother visits the master."
Fred nodded. "What’s the matter?"
"Brother has refined a magic weapon, and it will be born soon when he calculates. Everything will be known when he gets back." Jade Duxiu respectful way.
De nodded, but he didn’t want to write a letter, but he laughed hysterically. "Ha ha ha ha ha, I’m dying of laughter. Did you hear that the magic weapon here is this small refining? This little one worships me in Taiping Road, but after three hours, I dare to say that I have refined the magic weapon. Ha ha ha ha ha, I really dare to think that it can be refined into a magic weapon. I have lived for thousands of years, but I still dare not say that I can forge a magic weapon. This yellow-mouthed child really laughs me to death."
This remark fell on the surrounding elders and brothers, and they all looked up and laughed. Whether it was because of listening to Yu Duxiu’s overreaching words, it was better to please the Wangs, or everyone laughed back and forth, and then there was a way to fix the truth.
"Ha, ha, ha. It’s a magic weapon for children with yellow mouths and he can refine it."
"Even a generation of younger brothers dare not say that they can be refined into a real magic weapon."
"I’m laughing to death. It’s a newborn calf. It’s not afraid of tigers. This cowhide is not afraid of blowing the sky."
"Tut tut this time Bi Xiufeng is a thick-skinned person."
"That is, refining a magic weapon requires the right time and place, not trying to refine it."
"This time, Bi Xiufeng is a disgrace."
The mountain is full of laughter and clapping, and I don’t know what’s on my mind with my eyes closed.
Jade Duxiu in the mouth of the cave seems to be turning a deaf ear to the ridicule of all, or looking up at the sky
Yu De is looking at the distant scenery with a smile.

All this is unknown for the time being.

However, all kinds of signs make Yu Guihai tend to be really behind this.
Since this chaotic third prison still entered Yu Guihai, I simply explored it and went straight back.
When he returned to the boundary cities, he immediately called the strong people of the boundary truth to come to the meeting.
Before he wants to continue to strengthen combat readiness, the plan behind the scenes has been destroyed by him many times. This time, the virtual monster may be stronger than expected.
He is naturally not worried about his own safety. If it weren’t for the monsters in the road, he wouldn’t be a threat.
However, it’s hard to say that his hands are strong in all fields. If they are resistant, they may all die before he destroys the enemy. By then, it will be meaningless for him to be a army of one.
Due to the cross-border large array in the world, the strong will soon come to the world cities.
The representative of the spiritual world is An Lugu, a strong man who was originally born in a virtual monster. Because he was once a Xuanyin Sect, he was directly served as the second ancestor of the spiritual world by all the people in the spiritual world, and the bodhi old zu of the spiritual world naturally belonged to Yu Guihai.
"See the Lord!"
A group of strong men respectfully paid homage to Yu Guihai, the throne.
"stand upright"
Yu Guihai slightly raised my hand and said
"Thank you!"
They all got up and listened respectfully on both sides.
"I called you here this time because I explored the changes of fairy falling objects and speculated that the virtual monster might be unusually powerful this time, and we must be prepared for it, otherwise it might suffer heavy losses."
Yu Guihai looked around a circle and said somberly
"What? There is such a thing! "
People smell speech and change color in succession because of the former gray monster. People believe in Yu Guihai’s words.
"Master, this time the virtual monster is extraordinary. Is there a super monster again?" Fire ling ancient sink asked
They also pricked up their ears and waited for Yu Guihai to answer. They all know how powerful the super-strong virtual monster is. If it weren’t for the ancient super-strong virtual monster, the predecessors of all circles would perish together. I’m afraid they have no confidence to deal with it.
"Yes," Yu Guihai answered.
"What?" They smell speech in succession.
"And I don’t mean that there are super virtual monsters. If I guess correctly, those ancient monsters are not dead. This time they are stronger and more numerous," Yu Guihai added.
"This …"
Everyone is in awe. If so, I’m afraid it’s a policy to escape directly with cronies and wander in the virtual world. It’s not a complete demise to keep a few roots in all circles.
Yu Guihai saw at a glance that the heart was floating, and some were not.
These strong people are strong, but the ethnic consciousness is gone. Once they encounter a crisis, they will first seek to protect themselves from the ethnic group. If it is really impossible, they will give up.
However, we can’t blame them. After all, there are different strengths in the ethnic group. The strong are like dragons and the weak are like worms. How can we let the dragons get rid of insects and give up their own lives?
The only mistake of these people is that they have no confidence in him as a master.
At this time, Huo Linggu suddenly changed his face and shouted, "You Taoist friends are so scared?"
He looked around at the crowd and then went on to say, "The virtual monster may be very powerful, but I am afraid of it!" Don’t forget that the Lord is a monster that can kill the peak of the true Tao. "
The people smell speech and suddenly Yu Guihai slays the monster of earth than gray liquid, but they have seen it with their own eyes. Although the monster is stuck in the channel, it is still difficult to hide Yu Guihai’s power.
They are ashamed that they are so impatient that they have lived to be dogs for hundreds of thousands of years of practice.
"Disappointed the master, he panicked when he heard that the enemy was powerful and asked the master to punish him", but Ao Tianlong was the first to come out with a full face of shame and apologize.
"Please punish the master!" Other people have export way
There is only one person who hasn’t moved since the end, and has been laughing and watching the movie. This person is An Lugu. He is like a heartless fool who doesn’t panic because of the powerful virtual monster.
It’s not that he is really stupid, but that he has a firm belief in Yu Guihai from beginning to end.
"Punishment is not enough, but it can’t be done again. This time, I mainly ask you to go back and continue to strengthen combat readiness and build a stronger defense line instead of letting you run away quickly." Yu Guihai said lightly
Everyone suddenly felt heavy pressure, and they all bowed down with shame and reverence and said, "It’s a shame!"
"Well, I’ll talk about strengthening combat readiness first. The first thing is that the virtual fortress must be built as soon as possible to accelerate the recovery. The number destroyed by Hongxing is even more. It is necessary to triple the number, the more the better."
"There must be a tenfold increase in the number of warships. It can be seen from the monster of the second blood passage that the virtual monster is not strong, the top strong and there are a huge number of low-order monsters. These monsters can be dealt with by our low-order monks driving warships."
"When the defense line is built, the periphery of the realms must retain certain defense forces to avoid being attacked by virtual monsters crossing the defense line or from other directions."
"Another point is that both virtual fortresses and warships should strengthen their mobility. This time, the enemy is different from the gray monster. When it comes out of Hongxing, the defensive surface is small and easy to defend."
"The virtual range faced by all circles is really too big to build azimuth defense lines, and the defense in other directions depends on mobile power except the main defense line."
Yu Guihai ordered to go to the sea one by one, and everyone kept in mind that one step should be carried out in strict accordance with the plan.

This group of people walked all the way, but it was only half a month before they left the land of Dachen Dynasty and headed for Kyushu.

It is the terran Kyushu around the middle domain that is the wilderness.
This Tongtian Road is located at the junction of Taiping Road and Taidao Road. It is a three-no-care zone where monsters abound. Even in those days, Jade Duxiu looked for gaps and filled gaps, but Tongtian Road went against the sky and paid little attention to it, which would be a failure.
"What should these followers do?" In the virtual ice, your face is reluctant, while Kong Xuan’s eyes are full of colorful divine light. The road before Tongtian Road is important, but you can’t die without stepping on Tongtian Road.
"Even the Terran Nine Doors came in to explore the uneasy and kind way to ask the goblins to eat it." Kong Xuan’s eyes showed a cold light
"Well, I’ll arrange it." Ice ooze smell speech turned and walked.
Let’s talk about the jade show. The other three monks looked at the moon facing the clear frost and walked dozens of miles away before they saw a mountain.
Miao Xiu ate the elixir of immortality, washed his pulp and cut his hair, but he didn’t feel as tired as those three nine gates planted undercover.
In order not to be discovered by Buddhists, all three people lost their mana. Ordinary people walked for dozens of miles, so tired that they looked at the fierce and malicious circulation in the eyes of those riding marooned horses.
"It is said that this fellow will live forever after eating it, but this fellow has eaten the elixir of immortality and his physique is extraordinary. The three of us may not be rivals if we abolish mana," muttered a walker.
"Let’s go a little further and quietly restore our mana and take this monk back to the ancestral gate. We won’t buy Amitabha’s visit then." Another monk sneered.
No one has ever walked before, and without reference, we can follow the general direction. The high mountains are nothing to monks, but they are natural hazards to mortals, and the mountain roads are very rugged.
I was thinking that the people suddenly slipped and felt that the ground was as soft as a swamp and fell into the hole.
See heaven and earth demon wind rolled up a burst of yelling to "catch it, catch it and bring it quickly"
Only to see dozens of small demon came running. This small demon has not yet taken off its body and put it on weekdays. The three monks can kill it with their breath, but now they suddenly feel a bad feeling from their hearts.
"Bad" Tai Dou Dao, Tai Yuan Dao and Tai Huang Dao sounded three exclamations and saw three streamers rushing here. It was a colorful brilliance flashing in the void that blocked the three streamers.
"In front of the Kong Xuan, it is my Buddhists who learn from the Buddhist scriptures. Don’t disturb them." Kong Xuan didn’t give a few people a chance to speak. He brushed the five-color shekinah and went out to see the shekinah upside down. Several people flew out and disappeared.
Is such a delay kung fu party has changed.
"Give me the three men tied" the lich king to drink.
That group of goblins tied up four people and heard someone report that "Woong San Gunter Chu Shi is here".
When the demon king heard this, he immediately went out to meet the Woong San Curtis Chu Shi, who waddled into the cave. After sitting, three people were talking and laughing. Suddenly, he saw the kidnapper crying. "Are these four coming?"
"Send the door to yourself" the lich king laughed.
While Chu Shi said, "Is it possible to entertain guests?"
"Can can" the lich king flatters.
The three monks were extremely angry. "F * * king dares to eat your grandpa, and be careful to suffer retribution in the future."
Seeing the Buddhist monk face to face, these three people dare not reveal their identity, but they have no magic and can’t make such a pale threat.
If the three monks reveal their identity, these lich kings naturally dare not really eat him, but now he dare not say in front of Jade Duxiu that this bitter fruit can fall into his stomach.
That mountain gentleman said, "You can’t eat all the third, but you can leave one."
The demon king led the promise to invite three followers to cut open their hearts and chop up their bodies, and dedicate their heads and hearts to two guests.
Who is the mountain king?
King mountain god also
Who’s Chu Shi? Buddhist bodhisattvas can also understand people who handle special things.
Such a thought explains that the lich king has tried every means to curry favor with Chu Shi, the mountain Gunter, and the three nine-door Tianjiao have been eaten alive and buried alive.
The outside world did not expect with horror that the first encounter between nine Buddhism sects fell to the wind and destroyed the lives of three talented brothers in vain.
Thirty-three days in a dry day, xi he’s note on Tongtian Road is quite profound. Looking at the Buddhist monk Shanjun, he suddenly looked ugly.
Although the mountain king disguised his body, Shinto power could not hide from him as the head of Shinto body in name.
"Positions will worry" side xi he way
"I’m afraid that nine big doors will miss it if there are gods involved in this matter." Dry days frown.
"You have to wait and see, but you have to explain. Sometimes explanation is a cover-up." xi he looked on coldly
The three demon kings ate the liver and lungs and threw their limbs to the little devils, as if the tiger had swallowed the sheep and scared the monk to faint.
After a night of binge drinking, the two demon kings went straight to the east and turned pale. They staggered to leave. The Buddhist monk was in a panic. Suddenly, he saw an old man with a palm waving a rope and breaking the Buddhist monk’s storehouse. He took the parcel and rode his horse in a panic and fled.
"The king’s Buddhism is too overbearing. If the king falls into the hands of Buddhism, even if it doesn’t have a good result, it’s tempting to eat this immortal medicine, but it’s not important to be free. We must go to this pool of muddy water. If there is a tiger god and a certificate, it will be a fairy tale. Sooner or later, things will be pulled out in the jaws of death." On one side, a tiger monk earnestly advised the white tiger
At this time, the white tiger, the tiger monk, saw things clearly in the field yesterday. When the white tiger heard the attendants’ words, he hesitated a little and then said, "You go back and prepare to meet me. If something happens to me, you will save my life in the name of Hello Father God. Buddhism is too overbearing. Even the nine gates of Tianjiao are killed without mercy, and the bones may not really put Father God in the eyes."
Looking at the situation, the white tiger suddenly drummed in his heart, but he retreated because of his bad face.
Chapter 152 Tongtian corner Xuan Huang into the body
"Hum, I also want to plot against me. The more people come, the greater the doom, and the more rewarding I will be on the road." Jade Duxiu was in a panic on the surface, but her heart was sneering at riding a white horse all the way to escape.
"White tiger this fellow I don’t know anyway Buddhist idea is that he can play? Even the quasi-sendoh has not yet achieved reckless "Kong Xuan sneer at the clouds overlooking the white tiger’s eyes.
This monk mage is a reincarnation of his own master. It’s very important for anyone who dares to stop him, he must not show mercy.
"This white tiger, after all, is the tiger god’s first heir, so it can be killed. Even if the tiger god is crazy, the demon god realm has already lost its heir. This is the only son of the tiger god, so it is better to stay." Ice Qin said.
The Kong Xuan smell speech eyes colorful light flow noncommittally.
On the third day, I looked at the world with a little smile in my eyes. "Now the white tiger is riding a tiger, I still need to give it a step and a wonderful show."
Yu Yu Duxiu plans to go through the sky, but he still knows part of it, but he doesn’t know how muddy the water is, so he dare not meddle at will.

Yu Guihai waved his hand and argued that children always rebelled against their parents, and then slowly cared about it.

He then said, "Don’t talk nonsense about these things, but talk about these years’ experience."
"…" Yu Yi language to say is you bifurcation topic, when dad is unreasonable!
Then he told his own experience again.
Either he has been a genius since he was a child, and the master has been very kind to him. The basic reason is that he has been practicing all kinds of spiritual materials and precious medicines with his master all day, and he has never stopped eating, opening his mouth and reaching out, and there are all kinds of trials in his hand.
Then the master handed it over to a blood test to let him come back to end the humiliation, kill his father and mother, and even recover the blood left by his parents and brothers.
The story is very bloody, and I heard something strange from it.
Isn’t this special about cultivating your own children as flowers in a greenhouse?
No, it’s not just a flower in the greenhouse. If it’s a flower, it should be taught the real blood secret method to teach a disability.
This situation looks like a pig in a pig greenhouse.
I always feel that the other party is absolutely uneasy and kind, and finally I let my son come back to kiss him. The sinister heart is obvious!
Yu Guihai’s heart suddenly became vigilant for this first strong man.
Although I don’t know what this person is trying to do again, since this person has paid so much effort, it is impossible to give up easily.
If the son is kept by him and never goes back, this person will never leave it at that and will definitely come in person.
Besides, Yu Guihai has gained a lot.
Like some information
The world where the first clan lives is actually a world, not in the four realms of spirit, magic, demon and nether world.
This boundary is called the first boundary, but it is the exclusive boundary of the first clan.
This place accepts the first people, and the strong people of other races will not soar. However, many slaves and even food are often caught here!
Yu Guihai once speculated that the so-called world is also a super world, and maybe the five spirits heaven can be promoted to this super world one day.
The first information makes Yu Guihai more certain about his guess.
"Since there is a first world, there must be other worlds. These worlds can resist other worlds in what should be its strong, otherwise they may be merged like other worlds here." He said in his heart.
Then there is the Taoist information Taoist context, which is the Yan Taoist context.
Every important day in the Taoist realm will make one’s own avenue grow once and nine times, and then it will be promoted to the Taoist realm.
Yan Daojing is also nine floors, each floor can derive a brand-new avenue, and the ninth floor can derive nine avenues, reaching an incredible situation.
Yu Yan’s Taoist realm is unclear.
I know that there is not much information, and most of it is treasure information, anecdotes and so on. Many key information of the first clan and other circles are not clear.
After all, he is regarded as a fool.
However, the man didn’t stop Yu Yun from doing some hobbies outside his own practice.