
### 益处:

1. **营养价值高**:山药豆含有蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物、膳食纤维、多种维生素和矿物质等营养成分。
2. **调节血糖**:山药豆中的活性成分有助于调节血糖水平,适合糖尿病患者食用。


3. **增强免疫力**:山药豆中的多糖类物质有助于增强人体免疫力。
4. **保护心血管**:山药豆中的膳食纤维有助于降低胆固醇,预防心血管疾病。


5. **改善消化**:山药豆中的膳食纤维有助于促进肠道蠕动,改善消化功能。

### 药用价值:

1. **健脾益胃**:山药豆具有健脾益胃的功效,适用于脾胃虚弱、食欲不振等症状。
2. **补气养血**:山药豆有补气养血的作用,适用于气血两虚、面色苍白等症状。
3. **抗衰老**:山药豆中的抗氧化物质有助于清除体内的自由基,延缓衰老。


4. **抗肿瘤**:山药豆中的多糖类物质具有抗肿瘤作用,可辅助治疗肿瘤。
5. **调节内分泌**:山药豆有助于调节内分泌系统,适用于内分泌失调引起的症状。

### 注意事项:

1. 山药豆性质温和,适合大多数人食用,但脾胃虚寒者应适量食用。
2. 山药豆中含有较多的碳水化合物,糖尿病患者应控制食用量。
3. 服用山药豆期间,如出现不适,请及时就医。



1. **清热解毒**:菊叶可以用来清热解毒,适用于治疗热病引起的发热、口渴、烦躁等症状。

2. **疏风散热**:对于由外感风热引起的体温升高、头痛等症,菊叶有良好的疏风散热作用。

3. **明目**:菊叶能够清肝明目,适用于治疗由肝火引起的视力模糊、眼红等症状。


4. **降压**:菊叶具有一定的降压作用,对于高血压患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。

5. **治疗疔肿**:根据《纲目拾遗》的记载,菊叶可以用来治疗疔肿,具体使用方法为捣汁服。

6. **治疗感冒和头痛**:菊叶可用于治疗感冒引起的头痛,以及头痛本身。

7. **缓解头晕**:菊叶能够缓解头晕症状,适用于头晕不适的患者。


8. **抗炎抗菌**:菊叶具有抗炎和抗菌的作用,可以用于治疗一些炎症性疾病。

9. **治疗腮腺炎**:菊叶可以用来治疗腮腺炎。

10. **镇静安神**:菊叶含有某些镇静成分,有助于改善睡眠,适用于失眠患者。

11. **治疗外伤**:菊叶可用于治疗外伤,具有解毒消肿的功效。

12. **辅助治疗冠心病**:菊叶对冠心病有一定的辅助治疗作用。



1. **缓解情绪和焦虑**:蔷薇石被认为能够缓解焦虑和紧张情绪,帮助人们保持平和的心态。它有助于平复焦虑,使人心情宁静,有利于改善睡眠质量。

2. **平稳心绪**:蔷薇石富含多种矿物元素,这些元素被认为对大脑的运转有益,有助于集中精力,稳定心绪,从而促进心理健康。

3. **保养皮肤**:长期佩戴蔷薇石,其微量元素能够促进细胞分化,加速新陈代谢,有助于改善皮肤状况,使皮肤变得细腻有光泽。

4. **改善睡眠**:蔷薇石手链或饰品在睡前佩戴,有助于提高睡眠质量,缓解烦躁情绪,改善心情。

5. **美容养颜**:蔷薇石手链或饰品可以帮助改善内分泌系统,促进血液循环,使人气色红润,从而达到美容养颜的效果。

6. **增进人缘**:蔷薇石具有增进人际关系的特性,其颜色和平易近人的感觉有助于改善佩戴者的人际关系,增添个人魅力。

7. **快乐自信**:蔷薇石被认为能够调整情绪,使人更加沉着冷静,从而增加自信和活力。

8. **滋养身体**:蔷薇石含有多种矿物质和微量元素,长期佩戴能够逐渐将这些有益元素吸收,对身体健康有益。


9. **物理按摩**:蔷薇石饰品与皮肤摩擦时,可以起到物理按摩的效果,促进血液循环,缓解肌肉疲劳。

10. **提升气质**:蔷薇石的颜色和光泽能够提升佩戴者的气质,增添优雅和高贵的气质魅力。





### 健康益处:

1. **祛湿消肿**:中医认为海芋有祛湿消肿的作用,适用于治疗水肿、脚气等病症。

2. **止痛**:海芋中的某些成分具有镇痛效果,对于风湿痛、关节炎等疼痛症状有一定的缓解作用。

3. **解毒**:海芋具有一定的解毒功能,可用于治疗食物中毒或药物中毒。

4. **消炎**:其提取物在体外实验中显示出一定的消炎作用。

5. **抗癌**:部分研究表明,海芋中的一些成分可能对某些癌症细胞有抑制作用。

### 可能的影响:


1. **毒性**:海芋含有一种叫做“草酸钙”的成分,对人体有一定的毒性。如果不慎摄入或接触,可能导致皮肤刺激、口腔溃疡、呕吐、腹泻等症状。

2. **过敏反应**:有些人可能对海芋过敏,接触或食用后会出现过敏反应。

3. **孕妇和哺乳期妇女慎用**:由于海芋具有一定的毒性,孕妇和哺乳期妇女应避免使用。

4. **正确使用**:在使用海芋时,应在专业中医师的指导下进行,以免产生不良反应。



1. **壮阳补肾**:根据研究,大蒜中的硫化物和一氧化氮合酶能促进血液循环,对男性勃起有积极作用,因此适量食用大蒜醋对补肾壮阳有一定帮助。


2. **提高免疫力**:大蒜和醋都具有一定的抗菌和抗病毒作用,可以增强人体的免疫力,帮助抵抗疾病。


3. **促进消化**:醋具有助消化的作用,而大蒜可以刺激肠胃蠕动,两者结合有助于改善消化功能。

4. **抗菌消炎**:大蒜中的大蒜素具有广谱抗菌效果,可以杀死多种细菌、病毒和真菌,醋也有一定的抗菌作用。

5. **降低血脂和血压**:大蒜能够降低血液中的胆固醇和甘油三酯水平,而醋可以帮助扩张血管,降低血压。

6. **预防心脑血管疾病**:大蒜和醋都有助于预防心脑血管疾病,如心脏病和中风。

7. **抗衰老**:大蒜和醋中的某些物质结合后,可以产生延缓衰老、加快皮肤代谢的物质,有助于保持皮肤年轻。

8. **抗癌作用**:大蒜中的某些成分被认为可以阻断致癌物质的合成,抑制癌细胞生长。


9. **减肥**:大蒜和醋都有助于促进消化和脂肪代谢,对于减肥有一定的辅助作用。


– 正在服用药物的人:醋可能会影响药物的吸收和药效。
– 胃病患者:醋可能刺激胃黏膜,加重病情。
– 骨折或骨质疏松患者:醋可能会加重骨质疏松的症状。
– 空腹时:空腹食用醋泡大蒜可能导致胃酸分泌过多,引起胃部不适。



1. **燥湿化痰**:半夏颗粒具有燥湿化痰的功效,适用于脾不化湿、痰涎壅盛所致的咳嗽、气逆等症状。半夏本身具有温燥之性,能有效地治疗湿痰。

2. **降逆止呕**:半夏颗粒可以用于治疗胃气上逆、恶心呕吐。半夏具有和胃降逆的作用,能够缓解胃部不适。

3. **消痞散结**:对于胸脘满闷、梅核气、瘿瘤痰核等疾病,半夏颗粒也有一定的治疗作用。

4. **止咳平喘**:半夏颗粒适用于治疗各种新老咳嗽、痰多、气喘等症状。它能够止咳、平喘、化痰,适用于痰喘患者。

5. **治疗多种呕吐**:对于胃寒呕吐、胃虚呕吐、痰热结胸、心下痞满等病症,半夏颗粒都有一定的治疗作用。


6. **辅助治疗其他病症**:半夏颗粒还可用于治疗痰饮内停引起的胸胁满闷、恶心呕吐等;痈疽肿毒、瘰疬痰核、蛇毒咬伤等。


– **痰喘半夏颗粒**:以止咳、平喘、化痰为主,适用于治疗咳嗽、痰多、气喘等症状。
– **保宁半夏颗粒**:以止咳、化痰、平喘、降逆、和胃、止呕、消痞、散结为主,适用于风寒咳嗽、顽痰、咳嗽,以及痰饮内停引起的胸胁满闷、恶心呕吐等。


After washing, Jiang Xue left his residence and dialed a message in the car, "Hello? Jamlom, please help me follow that line again. I have an intuition that something big will happen in Yanbei. "

"So this thing … is there anyone in us?" Jamlom asked.
"Don’t check privately and write me back quickly," said Jiang Xuelow.
With that, they ended the call and Jiang Xue sent Qin Yu a short message with the words "Thank you, Qin Lv".
Gu Shen arrived at the hotel at nine o’clock in the afternoon, and after breakfast with Qin Yu and them, he led the people to hang out in Yanbei city, waiting for Gu Yan’s father to meet later.
The other end
Today is the last day of the General Political Department meeting of the Military Department, and the meeting will be closed at one o’clock in the afternoon.
A theater commander rushed to the meeting together after dinner.
Near 12: 55, Gu Taian, Gu Taixian and other talents came out of the lounge and walked into the venue, while other bosses had arrived a few minutes ago.
Gu Taian nodded at the people on the left and right sides of the venue and sat in his position, quietly waiting for the arrival of military and political affairs.
On the right side, Lin Yaozong also sat down in his position and looked down at the information. From time to time, he also talked with people in the World War II headquarters.
When six or seven minutes passed, it was past one o’clock, but Lao Shouzhang had not yet arrived.
"Too much," Gu Taixian said strangely. "What’s the matter?"
This kind of meeting is not late, and it is even more unlikely that there will be any traffic jam, because all the roads around the venue are controlled by traffic, Gu Taixian said strangely
Gu Taian also looked down at his watch but didn’t say anything.
Two or three minutes later, the head of the general logistics department of the military stepped in and walked quickly to the rostrum. He said softly, "There has been a temporary situation and the meeting has been delayed for two hours. You can go to the lounge and have something to eat."
Gu Taian got up directly when he heard this.
The people’s department of a war zone got up and followed the iron hat king from the rostrum.
"What’s the matter?" Gu Taixian followed and said, "It’s not a style to inform the meeting to postpone after a little." !”
"Call the committeeman and ask what’s going on" Gu Taian said simply.
Senior colonel staff heard immediately nodded "I’ll play".
When they spoke, they went into the designated lounge together. Gu Taian walked to the window with a straight face and turned his back to the crowd and said, "Sit down."
After everyone heard it, Gu Taixian sat first, and other people followed him.
a few minutes later
The senior colonel staff returned to Gu Taian after the phone call outside the door and said softly, "Commander, I asked the general political officer, and they are also stupid now. The team has been waiting there but has not received anyone."
"People didn’t come out?" Gu Taian twist a head and asked
"It’s the person who hasn’t come out at the residence". The senior colonel staff nodded.
"Has the motorcade left?" Gu Taian ask again
"No, I’m still waiting," replied the senior colonel lightly.
Gu Taian pondered with his hand behind his back for a few seconds and then asked, "Did anyone go there?"
"No" senior colonel shook his head.
"Well, wait." Gu Taian habitually rubbed his hands after stretching his back.
After about two hours and five minutes.
General logistics secretary personally walked into the lounge and walked over and said hello to Gu Taian "Gu Commander"
"Hey, Zhang Mi Chang" Gu Taian turned around.

"A small water god in Qiantang River should be cautious, but even the Heaven and Dragon Palace have violated the Heaven. One crime is to steal the treasures of the Celestial Star King. The other crime is to be sealed without authorization. The Tang Dynasty protects the country and enjoys the incense of hundreds of millions of people in the Tang Dynasty, angering the gods. The third crime is to kill and rob me. The fourth crime is that a small god is arrogant and intervenes in Buddhist affairs. The fifth crime has to die."

In the face of Yuzhen HeWen, one of the road flyovers said simply that it seemed to be on trial.
"Shame is ridiculous. My husband was sealed. The Jade Emperor married the princess. This is his own private affairs. When he linked heaven and Dragon Palace, he sometimes intervened in heaven.
My Dragon Palace is also ruled by heaven, so how can it be considered a violation of heaven rules? I think it’s just that my husband angered the interests of some villains and took the opportunity to pick a fight. Does this have to die? !
Besides, my husband was granted the title of the Tang Dynasty to protect the country and protect the dragon, which was given by the Lord of the Tang Dynasty to those gods who absorbed incense. Can it be a big mistake for my husband to enjoy incense by relying on them?
If something happens, let those gods also look for Li Jiatian. If nothing happens, there is no need to be jealous and framed here.
My husband was sealed in Qiantang River, but several factions of yours are arrogant and don’t listen to orders. Can you make my husband beg for bullying and killing you, and once you fight back, it will be a deadly robbery? !
Buddhists meddle in my Qiantang River affairs, steal Fahai, the river manager, and don’t respect my husband for tampering with my husband and friends. Can my husband bully him?
And this North Sea dumpling demon king is just a demon, and my husband is dutiful and guilty of eradicating his hand.
You’re full of nonsense, but you’re just some shameful little people who slander my husband. Are you human again? Have equal power to judge my husband again? "
In the face of these people’s guilt, Yuzhen’s body retreated and withdrew from the war circle. Cold drink a way
"It is true that you are just some jealous people. What the Dragon King of Qiantang River did violated the rules of heaven? Besides, we monks are heaven and earth fighting for immortality. Are you going to accuse the Dragon King of human law? Even if the dragon king is guilty, it’s heaven’s duty to punish him and take care of you. You sneak attack and kill the creatures in Qiantang River without authorization. Is this a decent place? I Xiaoqing has never hurt anyone. Is it possible for me to bow my head and slaughter by making things difficult for Buddhism? "
Lady white snake is also a jade-faced and cold-faced reprimand angrily to it.
"A glib tongue can’t save you. Even if the dragon king of Qiantang River offended us, it would be the greatest crime. If the king of Qiantang River has the strength, he can also accuse us of this matter."
In the face of two people reprimand angrily to refute the veteran said lightly before the tone leisurely.
Said several powerful breath in the virtual shock to lady white snake and Yuzhen seems to have been impatient with this speed, and these breath also strafed to the Qiantang River, which seems to be looking for talents.
Chapter two hundred and twelve Array power
It seems a little angry after detecting the falling breath, and suddenly pressing lady white snake and Princess Yuzhen makes them feel a mountain of pressure.
After feeling these smells, the eyebrows of two hovering golden dragons and three road flyovers are all tightly laid siege to Yuzhen and lady white snake.
Suddenly Yuzhen and lady white snake can no longer resist losing ground and will be caught. If they are bound, the whole Qiantang River will really be destroyed.
Looking at the desperate YuZhen and lady white snake FaHai’s hands, they turned their bowls upside down and swelled in the wind, and the terrain covered YuZhen and lady white snake in the bowls.
Seeing this alms bowl land, and several other people also exert their own means to pin down lady white snake and Yuzhen’s magic weapon, so that the alms bowl can hinder the suppression.
Looking at the growing alms bowl, lady white snake and Yuzhen’s face is full of decline and despair, and now they are doing their best.
My heart is full of mourning. If I fall into the hands of Fahai, I am afraid that I would be dead.
Just when the two men looked desperate, a huge river of golden flames flew from the sky like a jin hong across the sky and winked at the center of the war.
After this golden river crossed, everyone still didn’t respond. There was a loud bang, and Fahai, together with the alms bowl, was rocked.
The siege of several people was also forced to retreat by the breath of this huge golden flame river.
Then they will be a huge golden river rumbled across YuZhen lady white snake and FaHai a trunk road.
This huge golden river is full of flames, jumping and dying, producing huge golden waves and light floating in heaven and earth like a seven-color rainbow.
This huge golden river rolls and oscillates. If you look at it carefully, it flows one by one and is separated into layers to form a huge golden river.
In this long river, the number of shining golden men of God is looming, looking around coldly and killing those soldiers and water troops who attacked Qiantang River.
A roll of waves in this long river involved Yuzhen and lady white snake in the golden river.
Looking at this sudden huge golden river, all the people and others suddenly showed a smile when they suddenly set their eyes dignified, until the dragon king of Qiantang River finally appeared.
In the void, there is a huge auspicious cloud, a golden man in shining armor, a god with great power and a golden arhat sitting on a white tiger.
These three people are looking at Fang Jinyan River faintly, and their faces are calm and abnormal. They can’t see what they are thinking, and their eyes are slightly confused and looking at Fang Jinyan River.
At this time, Yuzhen and lady white snake were involved in the golden river and fell in front of Gao Cai, who didn’t speak quickly to treat their injuries.
However, looking at the two people’s mess, they are observing the remains of the Qiantang River, and Gao Cai is angry. generate, these people are cruel. If they don’t kill, they will hate their hearts. At this time, the robbery has obviously had to be killed.
Thought of here, Gao Cai pressed his anger, eyes, pitfalls, and body breath to the best of his murderous look.
At the same time, Gao Cai also knows that this is really a crisis. If one is careless, it will be beyond redemption, but fortunately, there are still a few heavy treasures in his hand to resist this killing.
Nowadays, the suppression of the nine-bend Yellow River array by the Great Wilderness Lamp and the Qingtian Tower of Science can also make this array exert its great strength, and unless Luo Jinxian comes, it is feared that people will be able to break their own nine-bend Yellow River array.
I can’t help but understand in my heart that this is my own disaster. I have won many treasures and benefits in a row, and I will inevitably experience some disasters. This is different from the fate of monasticism, but the robbery and human robbery in the process of cultivation.
Experienced natural disasters can greatly increase the number of repairs, and experienced natural disasters and human disasters can make the three disasters of heaven, earth and man complete, and further progress and growth can be achieved in the disaster.
These disasters are like stumbling blocks to climb a mountain peak. If you don’t do it properly, you will stumble, but you will also have to do it. Otherwise, you can climb with these stumbling blocks.
However, the local robbery and the human robbery usually involve killing, and it will only appear after the completion of the celestial disaster. At that time, every level of promotion will have different disasters. These disasters may be big or small, and they may fall and drink water, and then they will be murderous. One careless one will be doomed. These are all based on everyone’s experience and cultivation.
It’s a genius, but it’s just achieved the Yuan God’s Armageddon and Leijie’s failure. How come there is a robbery? Is it that the physical force is separated from the shackles of the Yuan God and approaching the true immortal force, which causes many disasters to break out together?
For these talented people, I can’t guess at the moment that I have to deal with this murder, otherwise everything will be in vain.
Yu Zhen and lady white snake’s injuries have also recovered a lot in the thinking of Gao Cai.
"Husband, you finally came back! ? I suffered a great disaster in Qiantang River, and now there are only three of us left, and even Xiaoqing girl has been taken away. "
At the sight of princess Gao Cai Yu Zhen, there was a trace of sadness in her face, but she didn’t cry. At this time, she knew that it was not a crying moment and quickly told the story about it.
"Long Jun, we have to think of countermeasures, otherwise we are afraid that it will be more difficult than this big robbery."
Lady white snake is also worried and asked.
"Thank you, Miss White, for saving me. I will definitely save Miss Xiaoqing."
Looking at lady white snake Gao Cai’s heart is also slightly moved. At this critical moment, lady white snake and Xiaoqing can stand up and help this kindness, but also let themselves help each other.
"Husband, what should we do now? And what is this place? "
Looking around at the rolling river and the floating golden flame and the number of shining golden gods, Yu Zhen wondered and asked.
"Don’t worry, this is my array. It’s hard to break unless pick Jin Xian arrives. Don’t worry."
Looking at the two men, Gao Cai quickly said that at the same time, tens of thousands of shining golden gods will be repaired and comforted. The two men said that Gao Cai was facing a virtual point. Qing Ji and Yue Ji appeared from the depths of the array and came to the public.
These days, Qing Ji’s strength has been restored to the true fairy, and her strength has grown to the point of being strong enough to cooperate with the menstrual cycle, and she is not weaker than the true fairy master.

"Come on, you three idiots! What a waste! @#¥@#%#”

Zhan Feiyun swore while urging the three true kings of Huolin to speed up.
His face was livid and he was livid, but he was usually dignified.
The three true kings of Huolin were scolded, and they were totally embarassed, but they didn’t dare to show their dissatisfaction. But they dared not say anything even if they knew they were going to die.
Strength respect, this patriarch is not occupying a position, but has the strength of the earth at the peak of meta-pregnancy to crush the three of them as if they were playing.
Zhan Feiyun would never be so flustered in peacetime, and now he is forced to show his true colors.
Before he arrived in the forest of fire, he felt that the terror from afar was stronger than the fluctuation.
This kind of fluctuation may not be familiar to others, but he is familiar with it. It’s bodhi old zu Ember and bodhi old zu Skyfire!
Thought of here, his heart thumped
Immediately put Yu Guihai status several levels higher.
He didn’t believe that he reported the appearance of ghosts and gods, and the two bodhi old zu would come at the same time so quickly.
There must be two bodhi old zu who attach importance to things, which makes them come together.
What is this thing?
Don’t say it’s Yu Guihai!
You are so miserable! You said you had nothing to do to go to the valley of ghosts!
Even if you kill yourself, how can you still implicate me? That’s good. I’m afraid you can’t be a patriarch if you have to bear the anger of two bodhi old zu.
Zhan Feiyun urged the three true gentlemen to go to the valley of murders with him while denouncing Yu Guihai, a fool.
In his mind, I didn’t think that Yu Guihai could come alive.
Didn’t you see the terrorist force against the bodhi old zu? Can Yu Guihai stop it?
What he thinks now is like getting rid of his responsibility after the bodhi old zu beheaded the ghost.
It may be difficult to completely elute, but it is possible to minimize it.
In this way, he came with three true kings regardless of the danger of the aftermath of the deified battle.
Of course, the speed of three people is like turtle speed, so Zhan Feiyun’s speed is naturally slowed down.
Suddenly Zhan Feiyun’s voice stopped.
The three men were surprised when they felt that the fluctuation of terrorist fighting disappeared in the distance.
"The bodhi old zu won!"
Zhan Feiyun’s ecstasy in his heart suddenly accelerated by dozens of times without saying a word, and he disappeared as soon as he whooshed.
The true king of the crack "…"
Jin Jian Zhen Jun "…"
The third true gentleman "…"
Yu Guihai was sitting on the ground and looked thoughtful. Suddenly he looked up.
See the sky flying a dun light stopped not far away to reveal a figure is the patriarch Zhan Feiyun.
After he arrived, he carefully looked around and expressed his heartfelt admiration for the surrounding terrorist battle scene.
Then I found Yu Guihai.
"Oh, teacher younger brother, are you okay? Great! Two bodhi old zu saved you! Haha, you don’t know that when I received a report that Du Jie, a deified ghost, appeared in the valley of ghosts, I immediately reported it to the bodhi old zu, who really paid too much attention to you and came directly to save it. Fortunately, fortunately! "
Zhan Feiyun flew over with a face of glad laughter and a compliment to Yu Guihai.
If Yu Guihai hadn’t listened to him, he would have discovered his true strength.
But he misunderstood, which was very convenient for him to take action.
"By the way, what about the two bodhi old zu?" Zhan Feiyun looked around and asked
"The bodhi old zu was seriously injured and went back to rest. Before leaving, let me inform you that you must not order them to be disturbed even if it is a big thing."
Yu Gui sea color solemnly said.

They don’t just choose two children to prepare like Lingqing.

If the paving is extremely large, the project will naturally slow down.
"I don’t want to be so publicity, but my family promised not to be my heart, so I went with them."
After two people talked about their recent situation, Zhu Guangkou asked
"Can you be sure that it is the deputy of Nie Xiaoqian?"
"I don’t know, but the Secret Service seems quite sure."
Lingqing shook his head. "I invited you here to ask you if you practiced the Ghost Bones Method."
Zhu guang looked around and found out that there was no camera in the box and then the novel said
"Naturally refined, but after the guidance of Brother Zhang, it is somewhat different from the original method."
With a backhand, a white light and a precious flame rose from the bead.
"this is that treasure that I practice by combining Jing Ye Guang Bao Zhu Jing and Ghost Bones Method."
Then he threw it aside in a half, holding a pike, standing tall, and wearing a horse-faced skeleton with bones and bones.
With his head down, the original spacious boxes there are a little crowded.
It’s this skeleton that’s white as jade, wrapped in flame.
Muddy like a fairy god, where is there any evil breath?
If you don’t show your head, it looks like a horse skull, and you can’t even see that it is a skeleton.
Chapter one hundred and twenty-three Bones Yin Shuai
Lingqing looked at this horse-faced god, and at that time some people didn’t know what to say.
Leng for a while before Zhu guang asked
"Did you look slightly sinister?"
"My Jing Ye Guang Bao Zhu Jing turns Jing Ye Guang Bao Yan into a treasure.
It is both an elixir and a magic weapon of life.
It is this precious flame that can ward off evil spirits and refine demons. Even a ghost is a Yang ghost.
Where can I leave any sinister breath? "
Zhu Guangwen smell speech also some don’t understand directly asked
"What’s your idea?"
"I suspect that this vice is not as simple as" Can Xiaoqian "in Zhi Yi.
But doped with some other elements. "
Lingqing will know some information and say some details to Shuiyingxue, saying Zhu Guang one by one.
Then he said, "I wanted you to play a ghost-stealing wife drama with the Secret Service Department to see if I could touch this vice."
Who knows that you have no yin qi at all? "
What do you mean there is no yin at all?
In an instant, Zhu Guang’s rebuttal is not without rebuttal, nor is it.
Mouth opened several times, some nai and some so fierce said
"You wait for me to collect some materials and practice some yin qi to make up for you."
Say a word and then walk away with Lingqing.
Out of the door, a car directly picked them up and came to a luxury manor outside the city.
"Master is ready."
A middle-aged man dressed meticulously came to Zhu Guang and bowed down and said
Zhu guang should take a direct step and walk aside. The middle-aged man is half a step behind and cleverly guides the direction.
Lingqing looked at some accidents and always knew that Zhu Guang was not simple. I didn’t expect it to be so extravagant.
Soon I came to a door, from which a strong smell of blood emanated.
Pushing the door, I saw that there were more than a hundred pairs of fresh animal bones on display in the spacious room.
There is also a cylinder of blood next to it.
Among them, the conspicuous place is a pair of cow bones and it is not a van cow.
This makes Lingqing have a new understanding of Zhu Guanggu’s strength.
It seems that it was his luck to ask him to get the ghost pill before.